Copyright © 1964-2024 Tripoli Pittsburgh, Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc.
TRIPOLI Pittsburgh
Launch Report
August 25, 2024
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Flyers: 15
Flights: 37

Conditions were near perfect for flying in August.
Skies were crystal clear early with light clouds moving in later in the day.
Temps were in the low to high 80's. Winds varied from dead calm to light breezes.
For the first flight of the day, Scott Kissinger watches his Satellite Interceptor lift off on a K-1126. More on this flight later.
Rob Camele watches his Photon Disrupter head skyward on a J-430.
The main parachute on Rob's Disrupter failed to deploy sending the rocket down with a thud.
Rob said that the altimteter was beeping continuity (as if it were just activated on the launch pad) after the flight.
The Photon Disrupter sustained minor, but repairable, fin damage.
"A little epoxy and some new paint and it will fly again.", said Rob.
Don't be surprised to see the Disrupter take to the skies again.
Early on, skies were crystal clear.
Broken clouds moved in into the afternoon.
Jeffrey Dick watches his Lance Delta lift off from the high power pads.
Jeffery Dick
Kevin Wuchevich
Emmett White
TR Garman
Launch system headaches cropped up again. After 45 minutes of swapping wires and boxes, rocket action resumed.
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