Copyright © 1964-2021 Tripoli Pittsburgh, Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc.
TRIPOLI Pittsburgh Launch Report
Sunday, October 17, 2021
The gorgeous skys betray the challenging conditions for the final launch of the 2021 season at TRIPOLI Pittsburgh's Dragon's Fire Field. Gusty breezes kept many from flying, but 20 intrepid members launched a total of 33 rockets.
TRIPOLI ROCKETRY ASSOCIATION founding member Francis Graham (TRA# 00001) enjoys the flight activities while discussing his latest works.
Winner of the Most Flights for the Year, Kevin Wuchevich poses with his Ketchup and Mustard (left). Despite weather cocking into the wind (right), the K and M drifted across the field into the trees near the pond. We're still looking for this one.
The WVUER Team was well represented at Sunday's launch.
West Virginia University Experimental Rocketry
Jurassic Joe takes TRIPOLI Pittsburgh's newest acquisition for a spin. A Ford 1910 Tractor for field work.
TRIPOLI Pittsburgh Veteran Generous John Haught made the connection for the purchase of the tractor and Joe Pscolka put in an inordinate amount of time making it run like a top.
George Pike Frequent Flyer Award
2021 Winner: Kevin Wuchevich
24 Flights
Ten WVUER students attempted Level 1 Certification with 7 successful flights. Many of the students built/flew LOC HyperLOC 835 Rockets with 9 flying on Aerotech H-219 Blue Thunder motors.
Due to motor issues, a couple of flights ended up as lawn darts. All TRIPOLI members know this feeling.