Copyright © 1964-2022 Tripoli Pittsburgh, Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc.

TRIPOLI Pittsburgh Launch Report
Sunday June 12, 2022
After numerous cancellations, TRIPOLI Pittsburgh had its opening day launch on June 12, 2022. Skies were overcast but the rain held off. Light winds early picked up slightly later in the day but overall flying conditions were good.
Team Andre
Jerry and Casey Andre are a couple of TRIPOLI Pittsburgh's more prolific flyers.
Jerry Andre returns with the Emerald Fire minutes after the sucessful launch.
Launch of the Emerald Fire on a J-350.
Dave Ratliff
JusTom Blazanin
Joe Pscolka

Tom Blazanin

Steve Howard, Joe Pscolka and Tom Blazanin watch the Emerald Fire head for the sky.
Steve Howard keeps an eye on the  Emerald Fire  as it returns under parachute.
Casey and Jerry Andre at the pads.

WVU Experimental Rocketry Club

Member of the TRIPOLI Pittsburgh Hall of Fame, JusTom Blazanin, TRA0003, attended sunday's launch with a batch of rockets and equipment to sell, as he is getting out of rocketry for the 526th time. Despite his numerous attempts to "...get the Fu$& out of the world of rockets..." and his humourous way of stating things, JusTom has been and still is instrumental in his work with TRIPOLI National and TRIPOLI Pittsburgh.
Rocket Rob is a busy man as he loads his MegaInitiator onto the pad.
Rocket Rob Camile
Rocket Rob Camile is another of TRIPOLI Pittsburgh's more reliable members. Not only is Rocket Rob out there flying multiple rockets on a regular basis, he also serves as the Treasurer of TRIPOLI Pittsburgh.
The WVU Experimental Rocketry Club had a large group of students attend the June TRIPOLI Pittsburgh launch.