Copyright © 1964-2020 Tripoli Pittsburgh, Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc.
Launch Report September 12, 2020
"It was hard to contain the excitement!", exclaimed one flier at the September launch.
The weather was perfect and a few members took it upon themselves to fertilize the field with rockets.
A meeting of the minds (above) considers a solution for a minor launch system issue.
Temp: 78 F
Winds: Light to Mid and Variable
Fliers: 13
Flights: 40
JP Raptor showed up and created some havoc. After chewing up a few rockets and just making trouble, JP was seen skittering off to the woods.
The Lance was undamaged.
Cheers and applause rang out after John Haught's N motor ground test. (at right)
The 6 XL grain, N-3388 Maximus was 19,650 Ns according to simulations.